The treatment of chronic hepatitis B has greatly improved with the
introduction of potent nucleos(t)ide analogues with a high barrier to
resistance and peginterferon. The advantages and limitations of both
treatment options should be considered when a patient has an indication to
initiate antiviral therapy. Nucleos(t)ide analogues can be prescribed to
all patients in whom treatment is indicated and offer easy daily oral
dosing, are well tolerated and able to maintain suppression of viral
replication for prolonged periods of time. However, a sustained
off-treatment response is unlikely. A sustained response is more likely to
be achieved in a subgroup of patients with a finite course of
peginterferon therapy. Furthermore, sustained responders to peginterferon
experience a strong degree of serum hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
decline resulting in a higher rate of HBsAg clearance.
Both peginterferon and nucleos(t)ide analogues can be given as first-line
treatment option for chronic hepatitis B. However, peginterferon should
only be considered for patients with a high chance of response because of
the considerable side effects associated with this agent. Predictors of
response at baseline, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype, alanine
aminotransferase and HBV DNA levels, aid in selecting patients for
peginterferon therapy, especially in hepatitis B e antigen
(HBeAg-)positive disease. Furthermore, on-treatment viral markers, in
particular quantitative HBV DNA and HBsAg, allow the identification of
patients who are unlikely to benefit from peginterferon early during the
treatment course, thereby avoiding unnecessary treatment. Patients who are
not eligible for peginterferon or who have a low probability of response
to peginterferon based on baseline or on-treatment factors should be
advised to initiate or switch to nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy.
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