The pancreas is a mixed (exocrine and endocrine) glandular organ that is
important for food digestion and glucose homeostasis. Developmental
anomalies or disorders that affect normal pancreas homeostasis may cause
various life-threatening diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes,
cystic fibrosis, and pancreatic cancer.
In the past two decades, an increasing number of studies have begun to
unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating mammalian
pancreas organogenesis. The information extracted from these studies
should be valuable both, to better understand the etiology of some
pancreatic diseases, and to design new therapeutic tools to cure those
A recent study reported expression of the homeodomain transcription
factor Prox1 in the presumptive pancreatic region of mouse embryos1.
This finding raised the possibility that, similar to other tissues,
proper pancreas development requires the function of Prox1. The studies
of my Ph.D thesis sought to uncover the role of Prox1 during mouse
pancreas organogenesis.
First, the expression of Prox1 in the developing pancreas was thoroughly
characterized and the pancreatic tissues of Prox1-nullizygous embryos
were analyzed (Chapter 2). Second, since Prox1-nullizygous embryos die
at around embryonic day (E) 14.5, we generated a
novel mouse model ;Pdx1.Cre) with conditional inactivation of Prox1 in
pancreatic progenitors, to investigate whether loss of Prox1 function
affects late aspects of pancreas organogenesis (Chapter 3). Third, upon
identifying Opn as a novel pancreatic gene, we performed an extensive
analysis of its expression in the pancreas of mouse embryos and adults
and characterized this organ of Opn-nullizygous mice (Chapter 4).
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