The common occurrence of chronic diseases – such as ischemic heart
diseases (IHD, stroke, and stomach cancer in most populations and the
attendant mortality, loss of independence, impaired quality of life, and social and
economic costs are compelling reasons for public health concern. Although
mortality from IHD , stroke , and stomach cancer have fallen substantially in
western Europe over recent decades, IHD and stroke remain among the leading
causes of death in Europe. Furthermore, elderly people constitute a growing
part of the population and therefore, the absolute number of deaths might
continue to increase due to ageing of European population. Together, IHD,
stroke and stomach cancer, have figured prominently in the large shifts among
causes of death, especially in industrial societies, during the 20th century. During
this period, the mortality and morbidity rates of these diseases has changed
rapidly in many countries, as a result of both increasing proportions of these
populations attaining older ages and concurrent social changes. The
epidemiology and prevention of these diseases involve the understanding of their
causes, identification of means of prevention, and monitoring of populations to
assess the changing burden of these diseases and measurable impact of
interventions to control them. This thesis monitors seven European populations –
i.e., Denmark, England and Wales, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway and
Sweden. It assesses the changing impact of the above mentioned diseases over
time by extrapolation of observed trends in the past. It projects the future profile
of these diseases in seven European countries.
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