Congenital heart disease (CHD) refers to a series of birth defects that
aff ect the heart and
thoracic vessels, aff ecting 6 to 8 out of 1,000 babies being born. In
40% of these children
no treatment is indicated because of minimal eff ect on hemodynamics and
In 60% treatment will be required; about half of them will require
urgent surgery after
birth, while the other half will probably require surgery or medication
at some point
during childhood. Due to advances in heart surgery, 85% of children with
heart disease will survive into adulthood.
Although CHD has been recognized for centuries, therapeutic options were
not available
until the 20th century. Until the late 1930s little advances were made
in cardiac
surgery due to a lack of refi nement in anesthesia and problems related
to now routine
perioperative support techniques, such as blood transfusion and
mechanical ventilation. After the fi rst successful ligation of a patent
ductus arteriosus in 1938, a lot of
new operations found their origin. In 1949 perioperative mortality,
approached 14.5%. In the 1950s extracorporeal circulation made its
entry. The introduction of new anesthetic
drugs and the use of prostaglandins to maintain ductal patency and
blood fl ow was one of the most important advances of the 1970s. In the
late 1970s
cardioplegia solutions were introduced. During the 1980s sufentanil and
off ered alternatives to potent volatile anesthetics, although hospital
mortality was
still 6%. From the 1990s miniaturizing components of the cardiopulmonary
circuit reduced priming volumes, producing less coagulation factor
dilution and further
improvement in patient outcome.
During the past two decades, mortality after surgery for congenital
cardiac disease has
decreased dramatically and is now reported to be 4% in the European
Association for
Cardio-thoracic Surgery and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital
Heart Surgery
Database, the focus of clinical research and eff orts to improve quality
has now shifted
to that of the minimization of morbidity.
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