In the Netherlands, breast cancer is the most frequent (30%) of all cancers in women. In
2008, around 13,000 women were newly diagnosed with the disease. Worldwide, breast
cancer accounted for almost 1.4 million new cancer patients in 20082.
Incidence rates of breast cancer have been increasing in the Netherlands since 1960.
This increase can be explained by several factors: the increased detection of (early) breast
cancer due to the introduction and increased use of mammography and cytology since
the 1980s, the implementation of the mass breast cancer screening program between
1991 and 1996, and a change in adverse way of the risk factors for breast cancer over
the years. Many known risk factors are related to endogenous hormones: young age at
menarche, higher age at menopause, high age at first childbirth, lower parity, shorter
lactation and obesity. Changes in adverse way of these reproductive patterns and other
lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, have almost certainly played an important role
in the increase of breast cancer incidence.
In 2008, 3,300 patients died of breast cancer in the Netherlands, making it, together with
lung cancer, the most important cause of cancer death among women. However, breast
cancer survival has improved for several decades: in the 1970s 5-year relative survival was
less than 50%, while for patients diagnosed in 2000-2002 this was 80%. Factors related
to the increased survival are, among other things, early detection through breast cancer
awareness and screening, resulting in a more favourable stage distribution, and improved
(adjuvant) treatment.
With the incidence rates of breast cancer increasing and survival rates improving, the
number of prevalent breast cancer patients will continue to rise. In 2005 it was estimated that
119,000 patients in the Netherlands were ever diagnosed with breast cancer6. Breast cancer
prevalence rises with approximately 5% annually, and in 2015 the number of (ex-)breast
cancer patients might increase to about 194,000. This number is expected to continue to rise
also due to demographic developments (age distribution skewed toward old age). A large
proportion of these women will still require some form of health care, either for diagnosis
and treatment, surveillance during follow-up, or because of recurrences, metastases or new
primary malignancies. Breast cancer survivors are at high risk of developing subsequent
primary cancers either in the breast or in another organ.
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