In the Netherlands, the top 5% most serious juvenile off enders are placed in juvenile
justice institutions under a mandatory treatment order. After two to six years of treatment,
the chance of recidivism is supposed to have been reduced considerably. The new
off enses that do take place, are supposed to be less severe in nature than the off enses
that were committed before treatment. Over the years, several interventions aimed at
these serious off enders have been developed. However, the eff ectiveness of most interventions
has not been demonstrated yet. Specialists in the fi eld have said for years that
improvement of interventions is needed. However, until now little research has been
done on risk factors that predict recidivism in this group of very serious off enders. This
is important because of the risk of this subgroup for society, for the victims and for the
juveniles themselves. If more is known about the precursors of serious juvenile off ending
and recidivism, existing interventions may be improved, new interventions may be
developed and the eff ectiveness of interventions may be higher. However, the accuracy
of current ways of predicting off ending and future recidivism is still far from perfect
with eff ect sizes that are seldom higher than 0.70 (Hanson & Morton-Bourgon, 2009).
Thus new ways to come to evidence-based decision making and the development of
evidence-based interventions need to be explored.
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